Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Includes recommendations for banking in China Essay Example for Free

Remembers suggestions for banking for China Essay The bank is continuously overhauling its administrations and is endeavoring to coordinate the accepted procedures in the financial business. This is clear from its Factoring program for organizations. This empowers agents to appoint receivables to Bank of China and thusly they are furnished with all offices for assortment, money of exchange, chance control and record deals the board. What's more there is simple account on creation of conveyance of merchandise, arrangement of capital effortlessly, assurance of credit to the dealer in spite of any money related trouble of the purchaser, in this way at times it will be the purchaser likewise who will be profiting alongside the vender in the event that Factoring is attempted. The Factoring administrations incorporate fare and import considering also fare and household receipt limiting and residential full figuring. Being the first and the biggest considering administrations supplier in China’s banking division, it has construct broad involvement with this field and in this way will offer guaranteed types of assistance. (Figuring, 2006). BOC has created organizations with enormous state held Chinese enterprises, for example, the oil and oil organization China National Petroleum Corporation. This will increase the value of its worldwide business and make organizations for development. Security and hazard the board in Bank of China is reliant on its corporate administration strategy. This is resolved and constrained by the top managerial staff which supervises the general activity and organization. According to standard standards of banks, boards of trustees are delegated to oversee different financial capacities which incorporate those for vital arranging, review, chance administration, staff and compensation and exchange controls. (Administration, 2006). The different partners in the bank incorporate separated from the state government, the investors, a top managerial staff, wherein the posts of Chairman and President are supposed to be discrete, a board o f directors and senior administration. (Administration, 2006). The enormous quantum of non performing resources and a state control anyway doesn't quickly add to trust around there. The Bank is inclined to accommodate territories which are dictated by the Central government and to that degree its approaches are not controlled by the necessities of guaranteeing productivity and proficiency. The image in China is anyway constantly changing and more prominent advancement in this circle is foreseen later on. HSBC abuses it heritage of banking in China to impact as it has been available in the Middle Kingdom since 1865. (HSBC China, 2006). The Bank gives the clients the upside of being a solitary financier for local just as remote financial administrations in this manner giving it accommodation, speed, security and affirmation. (HSBC China, 2006). HSBC apparently operates at an altogether unique level. The items, administrations and procedures for the clients have been settled by the bank. It is presently showcasing these offices to give development both in the individual and business banking segments. Current banking as rehearsed by HSBC isn't just making offices, for example, robotized teller and money machines yet really perceiving the advantages of clients utilizing these. This leads banks as HSBC to support different blessing plans for clients who use money machines or take care of their tabs on the web. This demonstrates administrations are not unimportant comforts but rather offers which empower the bank to really build its proficiency. At that point there are administrations, for example, cash chiefs for the business, high premium store securities, currency showcase record and customers store account which empowers pooling of cash in a solitary record. HSBC likewise oversees benefits of bosses for a business too for people. For business there are different factilities that are being given, for example, business web banking just as HSBCnet which furnishes bigger organizations with a total scope of administrations on the web, receipt fund, Against the interior development standpoint of Bank of China, HSBC is looking for additional difficulties remotely as the Worlds nearby bank and is putting resources into many creating nations, for example, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and even Iraq. (Schuman, 2006). The low entrance of present day banking frameworks benefits for instance Mastercards in China which for a 1. 3 billion populace has just 10 million card holders has guaranteed more prominent chance and degree for banks, for example, HSBC. While HSBC considers itself to be the Worlds neighborhood bank, the BOC needs to look for supremacy in Chinese banking by giving help with working together all inclusive. In this manner there is a distinction in the focal point of both the banks. This likewise underlines a basic contrast in the conditions of the Chinese financial industry opposite worldwide financial combinations as HSBC. The Chinese financial industry is still in its beginning and in this manner considers itself to be a supplier of monetary administrations to its local customer base be it individual or corporate to work universally. Then again HSBC considers itself to be a bank for worldwide banking paying little heed to the nationality of its customers. The Bank of China should confront these difficulties later on in an exceptionally durable way. Bank of China is entrenched locally just as comprehensively. It can lead supported activities as it has satisfactory experience and introduction to shifted political, monetary and money related systems. The worldwide direction of the bank is especially positive for its supported development and extension later on. It would thus be able to give the lead to different banks in China.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free sample - The Untold Story of Welfare Fraud. translation missing

The Untold Story of Welfare Fraud. The Untold Story of Welfare FraudThe Untold Story of Welfare Fraud audits the results of the usage of the law concerning arrangement of budgetary guide to poor families. It uncovers the blemished character of the law which in reality forgot about no chance to get for individuals as they needed to pick whether to keep to the law or to leave their families without food. As per Abramovitz (1988), ladies were insufficient ensured by the legislature and its laws as they couldn't make their own living without men. The accompanying article presents two sorts of factors which are basic for comprehension of the government assistance misrepresentation and the execution of the Welfare Fraud Diversion Program. The needy variable is the measure of individuals who violated the law subject to troublesome life conditions just as the individuals who were sentenced for government assistance fakes and got criminal records without overstepping the law. The autonomous factors are the multifaceted nature of the application and consistence methodology, the sex and instruction level of the guardians blamed for government assistance cheats, unlawful activities of the controlling specialists. The article shows that the measure of cheats was affected by the execution of exacting cutoff points and measures which were in certainty planned for diminishing of the quantity of individuals getting a charge out of state budgetary guide. The unit of examination of this investigation is the procedure of law requirement that was brought about by the current law which was planned for making an accurate division as per the level of the led wrongdoings. As indicated by Gatta (2005), the other explored issue is the effect of the government assistance change to the quantity of related wrongdoings. As indicated by the article, low-pay ladies were significantly impacted by the law. Their lives and fate of their families was under the danger of annihilation as a result of low quality degree of life and monetary issues which happened at those occasions. The article portrays â€Å"the real factors of the ladies trapped in the snare of government assistance misrepresentation arraignment after the 1996 changes to the government assistance law†. O’Connor (2001) presents a sort of information â€Å"grounded by and by, in activism, and in the experience of the material hardship as well as on the ordinary operations of the economy†. The impact of the defective law on the quantity of infringement was inquired about through the quantitative and subjective investigation of the government assistance fakes' cases. The creators led a substance examination of the Public Defender’s government assistance extortion case records for the year 2001. They additionally inquired about subjective information of the year 2005. It was done so as to discover any distinctions which could have occurred since the conduction of the primary research in 2001. The aftereffects of the two investigations were utilized to make the total picture of reasons prompting extortion conviction. As indicated by the contextual analysis the individuals blamed for government assistance fakes might be separated into a few gatherings. The principal bunch includes individuals who deliberately violated the law so as to get cash. For the most part, they claimed to be abused or delude social specialists about their real pay and, consequently, tricked the legislature. The subsequent gathering contains individuals who did everything conceivable to keep to the law yet couldn't give data about the salary of their life partners or accomplices as they didn't stay in contact with them. Candidates likewise regularly abused the standards as they couldn't obviously comprehend the system of salary announcing. Such cases were normal considering that all ladies blamed for government assistance misrepresentation didn't go to schools. Now and again the benefit of the family in the resulting month was higher than the budgetary guide limit and lady was thus blamed for government assistance extortion however her yearly pay was still far underneath the neediness line. Those individuals didn't have any intension to mishandle the law or to perpetrate a wrongdoing. All things considered, they were thought to be blameworthy and gotten indistinguishable status of crooks from those individuals who had led government assistance cheats deliberately. The third gathering incorporates people who were not permitted to give any data about earnings of their life partners or accomplices. Such cases were likewise extremely normal and for the most part spouses undermined their wives for revealing extra wages. Ladies didn't have any decision as the main salary was brought by their spouses. The investigation of the instances of the second and third gatherings shows that those individuals didn't carry out any wrongdoings however their criminalization was brought about by an inappropriate government's strategy. The administration attempted to stop the rush of law infringement, and upheld so severe revealing and oversight arrangement that non-blameworthy individuals were charged of extortion too. The measure of criminal records was so high at that period that administering specialists had no opportunity to check whether wrongdoing was deliberate or non-purposeful. Denounced individuals had no assets for legitimate help and couldn't secure themselves appropriately. Thusly, individuals saw just the expanding number of crooks without the setting delivering this figure. It was generally utilized for avocation of the law change. Notwithstanding the procedure costs trouble that was taken by non blameworthy people their criminal record blocked them from securing adequate positions and caused them to apply for the administrative guide and again carry out misrepresentation. Furthermore, specialists has created unique estimates that permitted sentencing for government assistance misrepresentation and yet disregarded the protection of help collectors. The â€Å"man in the house† technique is a case of such strategies that were broadly utilized for searching for criminals. On the off chance that a man was found in the place of a lady accepting money related guide she was implicated under report of salary with the end goal of government assistance misrepresentation. It resembled a hover of neediness. The needy variable of violations' amount was plainly affected by the free factors referenced previously. In diachronic point of view, such implementation of rules and laws might be contrasted with the activities that lead with the segregation. The techniques applied by the creators permitted uncovering the conceivable sexism and division for sexual orientation jobs. It worked out that fathers indicted for government assistance fakes were dependent upon common obligation while moms were blamed for wrongdoings. This unmistakably demonstrates sex segregation. By the by, these outcomes were not talked about in the paper however they worth further thought. The determination of the example in the principal investigation of 2001 cases may prove that the creators figured out how to dissect similarly limited quantity of data. Then again, such measurement information can't be viewed as the main conceivable wellspring of data as it doesn't give the entire image of the issue. As it very well may be seen from the genuine investigation, the underlying foundations of the issue might be discovered somewhere down in the history. Subsequently, the entire time frame beginning from the usage of the law until now ought to be investigated for the away from of the issue. The technique for correlation of two unique examinations makes it simpler to figure future advancement of the law and permits researchers discovering the methods of the program's improvement. Regardless of the creators were acceptable in the selection of factors, the arrangement of their decisions may become shaky if different variables will be picked as key elements. There are other potential factors which may marginally change the planned the examination got. This exploration depends on the information gathered in San Diego, California and the outcomes might be distinctive in different conditions of the US. The degree of government assistance extortion would be diverse in various states and relates with the criminal pace of the state. The measure of government assistance cheats may likewise differ contemplating the measure of working spots and the normal personal satisfaction in the state. In such case, the exploration portrayed in The Untold Story of Welfare Fraud would not mirror the circumstance in the US. Also, the connection between's the measure of government assistance fakes and various poor families ought to be inquired about. Maybe the expanding number of fakes was caused by exacting measures as well as by the expanded number of poor families. At long last, the portion of second and third gatherings was not demonstrated in the examination that rejects the chance of the relative appraisal of the negative impacts of the legislative approach. The issue of the interconnection between the lawful status of individuals under budgetary guide and doubts with respect to their pay level and the pace of the real assistance from the legislature ought to be mulled over as the issue of segregation as per the societal position. The law requirement framework doesn't give any opportunities for needy individuals to escape the difficulty they got in. It gets hard for them to get a generously compensated line of work and to procure enough cash for living. What's more, the law giving money related guide to conventional individuals ought to be reasonable for them. As it was at that point referenced the explanation of various infringement was the absence of comprehension of the law. To sum up everything referenced, it is valuable to engage the law framework and to make the way toward helping individuals less hard for comprehension. Accordingly, the law would not be broken by individuals all the time in view of the huge measure of subtleties y et rather it will bring an away from of the line which isolates law obeying residents from lawbreakers. The examination may be proceeded later on based on the information gathered from everywhere throughout the nation yet not from the main city as the government assistance change spreads over the US. As per the examination, it might be said that the general image of issues identified with the past government assistance change is introduced, anyway extra studies demonstrating the situation at the current second ought to be led. The quick improvement of the enactment makes even somewhat outdated data unimportant for the examination. It might be made in coo

Friday, August 21, 2020

Your Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap

Your Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap Your Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap Your Guide to Escaping a Debt TrapBeing deep in debt can feel like youre sinking in quicksand. But hope is not lost! Here are some tips to help you plan your debt trap escape.Life comes at you fast. It seems like only yesterday you received that great new credit card in the mail, and yet here you now sit, suffering the embarrassment of that very same card being declined because you maxed it out. How did this happen?Well, it’s no coincidence that people talk about debt like it’s a trap. When you’re in debt up to your eyeballs, you might as well be sinking into quicksand in the middle of the jungle.Still, that doesn’t mean that you should give up. Just like there’s always a way out of quicksand (probably like a sturdy vine? Or something?) there’s also a way to escape from your debt, no matter how firmly it has you in its grasp.So grab your safari hats, keep your comically oversized butterfly nets at the ready, and check out these ten steps for escaping a dastardly debt trap . Ask for help.This is a good lesson for any situation, not just getting out of debt. Don’t convince yourself that you have to do this all on your own. Seek help from a local nonprofit or a credit counselor. Talk to your friends and family members who are good with money.Heck, you can even to talk to them about helping you directly, either by lending you money or by cosigning for a low-interest loan or credit card.Granted, you should only do this if you are confident you can hold up your end of the bargain. The last thing you want to do is end up with even more debt plus a ruined relationship.Still, the first thing you should do when escaping a debt trap is to ask for help. Trust us.Stop spending money you don’t have.Asking for help might be step one, but it only beats out this step by a razor-thin margin. Before you can start getting out of debt, you first need to stop digging yourself even deeper.Take a look at where you’ve spent money over the past couple months and figure out why you are spending beyond your means.For some, this step will be easy, as the debt they’re carrying will have been from a one-time financial or medical emergency.For others, this will mean making serious adjustments to their lifestyle. If you need to change your spending habits, then go ahead make them, pronto.The sooner you do this, the earlier you’ll get out of debt.Build (and stick to) a budget.Good news, the actions you took in step two have already gotten you started on step three.With a budget, you are going to stop letting your spending rule your life. Instead, you’ll make a plan for where your money is going to go.Take your last three months of expenses and put it into an Excel documentâ€"or use one of these handy budgeting apps.Separate your needs from your wants, or things like rent and car payments that you must pay versus things like movie tickets and late-night rideshares that you can cut out.Prioritizing your needs over your wants is the key to a good budge t, especially when you need to pay down excess debt. The more you can put towards savings and debt repayment, the better off you’ll be.Make a debt repayment plan.If you try and pay down your debt without a plan, you are dooming yourself to failure. So don’t do that.Instead, make a plan that is both reasonable and that leaves you some wiggle room in case an unexpected bill emerges. (For more on that, see the next entry.)No matter what kind of plan you make, it can’t rely on you paying only the minimum payments. Your budget needs to carve out room for extra funds.The two best debt repayment plans out there are the Debt Snowball and the Debt Avalanche methods. With both of them, you put all your extra debt repayment funds towards one debt at a time.People will swear by the Debt Avalanche method because it means paying off your highest interest debts first, but that can take a while.The Debt Snowball, on the other hand, focuses on paying off your smallest debt first, which will gi ve you early victories. For many folks, that’s encouragement they’ll sorely need.Build an emergency fund.Throwing all of your money towards debt repayment is all well and good, but it does come with a big downside: If you don’t have any money in savings, you’ll have to take on more debt any time a surprise expense comes your way.The way to avoid that is to simultaneously build an emergency fund. While this might slow down your debt repayments somewhat, the financial security it’ll provide is well worth it.When you make a budget, set aside money from each paycheck that goes right into a savings account. Heck, you can even get money in cash and put it in an envelope under your mattress.These funds are for emergency expenses, so they need be easy to access, but you’ll also have to avoid using them for unnecessary purchases and splurges.Your initial goal with an emergency fund should be $1,000. But really, the ideal size for an emergency fund is six months worth of living ex penses.Pay yourself first.This is a simple but powerful financial lesson. Paying yourself first means putting your long-term financial needs before everything else.In this case, you should figure out how much you want to put into savings and towards debt repayment every month. Once you have those numbers in mind, only then do you turn your attention towards building the rest of your budget.It might sound a little silly, but you’d be surprised what can happen when you change up your financial priorities.You might call this the financial equivalent of the baseball diamond from Field of Dreams: build these savings into your budget, and the money will come.Be careful with debt consolidation.One way to pay down your debt is to consolidate all your different debts into one single loan or credit card with a lower interest rateâ€"or maybe with no interest at all.But debt consolidation comes with dangers all its own, especially with credit cards. Using a zero percent APR offer on a credit card to consolidate your debt can make your debt payments go farther, but what about all those old cards?Closing those cards could actually hurt your credit score, but leaving them open invites a lot of temptation. If you’re not careful, you could end up racking up even more debt. That’s the last thing you need!You need to be very, very careful, and keep those old credit cards in a place where you can’t access them very easily.Increase your income.The faster you can get out of debt, the more money you’ll save in interest and the sooner you’ll be able to put that extra money towards stuff that’s way more fun or productive or both.But unless you want to start hunting local pigeons for food, there’s only so much room that you can carve out of your budget.The only other option, then, is to increase your income! You can do this by taking on a second job or a fruitful side hustle.The one thing you’ll want to watch out for is overwork and burnout, as that can lead you to ma ke emotional splurge purchases.If you aren’t able to swing a side gig, you can look for a better, higher-paying job, or ask your boss for a promotion!Avoid predatory loans.For folks with bad credit, tight budgets and meager savings, emergency expenses often mean taking out a bad credit loan or no credit check loan to make ends meet.This is something you do your best to avoid in general, but especially if you’re trying to pay down your debt.Predatory lenders offering short-term payday loans, cash advances, and title loans with ridiculously high annual interest rates will likely drive you even deeper into the hole.Beyond a simple debt trap, they could leave stuck in a vicious cycle of debt, where you keep making payments without ever getting closer to paying your loan off!If you must take out a bad credit loan, look into a long-term installment loan, as their amortizing interest and more reasonable payments can help keep you on track.Fix your credit score.If you’ve spent years t rapped in debt, the odds are good that your credit score is in the tank. (For reference: A credit score under 630 is considered “bad credit,” but even scores below 670 can seem too dodgy for traditional lenders.)The amount of debt you owe makes up 30 percent of your FICO score, so getting out of debt should help your score immensely. But don’t get overconfident!A better score will help you borrow money with better terms and at lower rates, so order a free copy of your credit report and see where exactly your score can be improved.Here’s a tip: If your years in debt caused any late or missed payments, make sure you make all your payments on time moving forward. The only credit score component more vital than your amounts owed is your payment history.You can also follow these tips to AVOID debt traps altogether.Guess what? It turns out that spending beneath your means, maintaining a budget, and building your savings are all great ways to stay out of debt in the first place! Ju st follow the advice we’ve laid out in this article, and your financial future should be debt-trap free!If you want to read more about managing your finances responsibly,  check out these related posts from OppLoans:How to Responsibly Maximize Your Credit Card RewardsThe (Comprehensive) Couple’s Guide To Budgeting8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your MoneyWhat are your best strategies for getting out of debt? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.

Your Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap

Your Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap Your Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap Your Guide to Escaping a Debt TrapBeing deep in debt can feel like youre sinking in quicksand. But hope is not lost! Here are some tips to help you plan your debt trap escape.Life comes at you fast. It seems like only yesterday you received that great new credit card in the mail, and yet here you now sit, suffering the embarrassment of that very same card being declined because you maxed it out. How did this happen?Well, it’s no coincidence that people talk about debt like it’s a trap. When you’re in debt up to your eyeballs, you might as well be sinking into quicksand in the middle of the jungle.Still, that doesn’t mean that you should give up. Just like there’s always a way out of quicksand (probably like a sturdy vine? Or something?) there’s also a way to escape from your debt, no matter how firmly it has you in its grasp.So grab your safari hats, keep your comically oversized butterfly nets at the ready, and check out these ten steps for escaping a dastardly debt trap . Ask for help.This is a good lesson for any situation, not just getting out of debt. Don’t convince yourself that you have to do this all on your own. Seek help from a local nonprofit or a credit counselor. Talk to your friends and family members who are good with money.Heck, you can even to talk to them about helping you directly, either by lending you money or by cosigning for a low-interest loan or credit card.Granted, you should only do this if you are confident you can hold up your end of the bargain. The last thing you want to do is end up with even more debt plus a ruined relationship.Still, the first thing you should do when escaping a debt trap is to ask for help. Trust us.Stop spending money you don’t have.Asking for help might be step one, but it only beats out this step by a razor-thin margin. Before you can start getting out of debt, you first need to stop digging yourself even deeper.Take a look at where you’ve spent money over the past couple months and figure out why you are spending beyond your means.For some, this step will be easy, as the debt they’re carrying will have been from a one-time financial or medical emergency.For others, this will mean making serious adjustments to their lifestyle. If you need to change your spending habits, then go ahead make them, pronto.The sooner you do this, the earlier you’ll get out of debt.Build (and stick to) a budget.Good news, the actions you took in step two have already gotten you started on step three.With a budget, you are going to stop letting your spending rule your life. Instead, you’ll make a plan for where your money is going to go.Take your last three months of expenses and put it into an Excel documentâ€"or use one of these handy budgeting apps.Separate your needs from your wants, or things like rent and car payments that you must pay versus things like movie tickets and late-night rideshares that you can cut out.Prioritizing your needs over your wants is the key to a good budge t, especially when you need to pay down excess debt. The more you can put towards savings and debt repayment, the better off you’ll be.Make a debt repayment plan.If you try and pay down your debt without a plan, you are dooming yourself to failure. So don’t do that.Instead, make a plan that is both reasonable and that leaves you some wiggle room in case an unexpected bill emerges. (For more on that, see the next entry.)No matter what kind of plan you make, it can’t rely on you paying only the minimum payments. Your budget needs to carve out room for extra funds.The two best debt repayment plans out there are the Debt Snowball and the Debt Avalanche methods. With both of them, you put all your extra debt repayment funds towards one debt at a time.People will swear by the Debt Avalanche method because it means paying off your highest interest debts first, but that can take a while.The Debt Snowball, on the other hand, focuses on paying off your smallest debt first, which will gi ve you early victories. For many folks, that’s encouragement they’ll sorely need.Build an emergency fund.Throwing all of your money towards debt repayment is all well and good, but it does come with a big downside: If you don’t have any money in savings, you’ll have to take on more debt any time a surprise expense comes your way.The way to avoid that is to simultaneously build an emergency fund. While this might slow down your debt repayments somewhat, the financial security it’ll provide is well worth it.When you make a budget, set aside money from each paycheck that goes right into a savings account. Heck, you can even get money in cash and put it in an envelope under your mattress.These funds are for emergency expenses, so they need be easy to access, but you’ll also have to avoid using them for unnecessary purchases and splurges.Your initial goal with an emergency fund should be $1,000. But really, the ideal size for an emergency fund is six months worth of living ex penses.Pay yourself first.This is a simple but powerful financial lesson. Paying yourself first means putting your long-term financial needs before everything else.In this case, you should figure out how much you want to put into savings and towards debt repayment every month. Once you have those numbers in mind, only then do you turn your attention towards building the rest of your budget.It might sound a little silly, but you’d be surprised what can happen when you change up your financial priorities.You might call this the financial equivalent of the baseball diamond from Field of Dreams: build these savings into your budget, and the money will come.Be careful with debt consolidation.One way to pay down your debt is to consolidate all your different debts into one single loan or credit card with a lower interest rateâ€"or maybe with no interest at all.But debt consolidation comes with dangers all its own, especially with credit cards. Using a zero percent APR offer on a credit card to consolidate your debt can make your debt payments go farther, but what about all those old cards?Closing those cards could actually hurt your credit score, but leaving them open invites a lot of temptation. If you’re not careful, you could end up racking up even more debt. That’s the last thing you need!You need to be very, very careful, and keep those old credit cards in a place where you can’t access them very easily.Increase your income.The faster you can get out of debt, the more money you’ll save in interest and the sooner you’ll be able to put that extra money towards stuff that’s way more fun or productive or both.But unless you want to start hunting local pigeons for food, there’s only so much room that you can carve out of your budget.The only other option, then, is to increase your income! You can do this by taking on a second job or a fruitful side hustle.The one thing you’ll want to watch out for is overwork and burnout, as that can lead you to ma ke emotional splurge purchases.If you aren’t able to swing a side gig, you can look for a better, higher-paying job, or ask your boss for a promotion!Avoid predatory loans.For folks with bad credit, tight budgets and meager savings, emergency expenses often mean taking out a bad credit loan or no credit check loan to make ends meet.This is something you do your best to avoid in general, but especially if you’re trying to pay down your debt.Predatory lenders offering short-term payday loans, cash advances, and title loans with ridiculously high annual interest rates will likely drive you even deeper into the hole.Beyond a simple debt trap, they could leave stuck in a vicious cycle of debt, where you keep making payments without ever getting closer to paying your loan off!If you must take out a bad credit loan, look into a long-term installment loan, as their amortizing interest and more reasonable payments can help keep you on track.Fix your credit score.If you’ve spent years t rapped in debt, the odds are good that your credit score is in the tank. (For reference: A credit score under 630 is considered “bad credit,” but even scores below 670 can seem too dodgy for traditional lenders.)The amount of debt you owe makes up 30 percent of your FICO score, so getting out of debt should help your score immensely. But don’t get overconfident!A better score will help you borrow money with better terms and at lower rates, so order a free copy of your credit report and see where exactly your score can be improved.Here’s a tip: If your years in debt caused any late or missed payments, make sure you make all your payments on time moving forward. The only credit score component more vital than your amounts owed is your payment history.You can also follow these tips to AVOID debt traps altogether.Guess what? It turns out that spending beneath your means, maintaining a budget, and building your savings are all great ways to stay out of debt in the first place! Ju st follow the advice we’ve laid out in this article, and your financial future should be debt-trap free!If you want to read more about managing your finances responsibly,  check out these related posts from OppLoans:How to Responsibly Maximize Your Credit Card RewardsThe (Comprehensive) Couple’s Guide To Budgeting8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your MoneyWhat are your best strategies for getting out of debt? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

William James Consciousness And Perception And...

William James: Consciousness Introduction â€Å"Consciousness† is a term that most philosophers dwell on in a dogmatic state of mind. In philosophical minds â€Å"consciousness† covers what things are â€Å"like†, including visual experiences or pain. â€Å"Consciousness† in the eyes of other professions, such as Psychologist, is simply being aware of one’s surroundings while alert. The aspect of consciousness is a strong influence in Western Philosophy. Related to perception and conception of the world and explains how things came into existence, the term itself opens more doors than it closes, leaving those who study the topic contradicting their own impression. The psychological meaning, alone, will not be enough to explain such a broad term. Philosophical terminology offers a better understanding when consciousness is placed under a microscope. James America saw an absent of considerable philosophers, although one in particular became a familiar name in the history of Philosophy, and his name is William James. William James became known for his love in the Philosophy and Psychology fields of knowledge. Believed to be one of the great minds of his time James was grouped with the founders of pragmatism. Personally, James was uncommonly fragile toward psychological and bodily experiences, being somewhat of neurasthenic. He referred this to being a â€Å"horrible fear of my own existence.† James literature covered a plethora of topics, ranging from philosophy, psychology, anatomy andShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophical And Metaphysical Influences Surrounding The Foundation Of Consciousness1776 Words   |  8 Pages For over a 1000 years, the philosophical and metaphysical influences surrounding the foundation of consciousness have questioned its existence (Dennett, 1991). Just as the chameleon rapidly, changes the color of its skin to adapt to its environment, the theories regarding human consciousness, the mind and its relation to the body, have constantly been changing depending on the era (Stich Warfield, 2008). Some cultures, for instance, believe the mind is outside of the body, thus survived deathRead MoreThe development of the novel in the 20th century1416 Words   |  6 PagesOver the eighteen eighties there was a split in fiction. The first indication towards it was Henry James essay The Art of Fiction (1884), which referred to the novelists calling as a Sacred office. Besides, there appeared a stratification of fiction due to primary education for all. Parallel to this, novelists saw themselves apart from the public, as dedicated men. This new modern conception involved dignity and a sense of glory. Another change was from the three-volume novel to the one volumeRead MoreWilliam Woolf s The Lighthouse Virginia Essay889 Words   |  4 Pagesduring the world wars called modernism. Modernism lasted roughly from the 1910’s into the 1960’s. This period of writing focused more on the inner self than nature, like the Romantics before them had. Modernist writers were influenced by those who raised questions about the rationality of the human mind, such as Sigmund Freud. By analyzing the stream of consciousness technique and indirect interior monologue along with narrated time Woolf expresses the character’s inner mind and perception. StreamRead MoreObjectivity And The Phenomenological Reduction1250 Words   |  5 Pagesobjective/subjective opinion on which â€Å"objectivity† I think is more convincing. Objectivity to Husserl is what he considered the phenomenological reduction. â€Å"The aim of the initial ‘phenomenological’ reduction is to individuate correctly the domain of pure consciousness as the domain of meaning-constitution†(Moran 78). I’ll attempt to use logic as an example: the proper object of logic is to study the relationship between the contents of expressions and what is being expressed; Modus Ponens states that if pRead MoreCritically Assess Du Bois s Conception Of Double Consciousness1862 Words   |  8 PagesCritically assess Du Bois’s conception of double consciousness. Can double consciousness be dissolved and, if so, how? This essay will firstly outline exactly what the Du Boisian concept of double consciousness is, before critically assessing Du Bois’s thoughts and evaluate if his theory of double consciousness is something which can be dissolved. I will look at some objections to Du Bois’s double consciousness, paying particular attention to Reed’s complaints of historical contingency. It willRead MoreThe Most Difficult Part Of Any Story766 Words   |  4 Pagesthreshold of a better world, a world brighter and gentler than the one you know now. In our mind there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such terms as God, divinity, and deity. We are even more confused and uncertain about the relationships of these personalities designated by these numerous appellations and the universes of time and space in which we live. As it is exceedingly difficult to present enlarged concepts and advanced truth to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritualRead MoreThe Early D evelopment Of Human Consciousness1448 Words   |  6 PagesThe early development of human consciousness seems to have given humans a genetic predisposition to the belief in religion. During this early development many chemicals known as entheogens were used during religious sacraments and ceremonies, especially during times when religion was undergoing critical stages of development. Once early humans could communicate concepts effectively they utilized experiences derived from such substances in the integration of theological belief systems. DescribingRead MoreThe Dualists Essay1846 Words   |  8 Pagesbeen of interest to many recent scientists and philosophers alike is one that has been around since its conception by a famous mathematician and philosopher named Rene Descartes. This theory is called substance dualism; and accordingly, this theory tries to solve the mystery of how these two complex disparate entities can intermingle to create an interaction that has an effect on the material world. I hope to use the current, up-to-date research by philosophers and neuroscientists to help anchor myRead MoreFiction in Henry James Paste2797 Words   |  12 PagesFiction in Henry James`s â€Å"Paste† Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. American Modernism 4 3. Henry James (1843-1916) 5 4. Paste 8 5. Fiction in Henry James 10 6. Paste analysis 12 6. Conclusion 14 7. Bibliography 15 1. Introduction In my term paper I will primarily discuss Henry James and his short story Paste. Firstly, I will focus on the time he wrote the story and than I will describe his life and his three major writing phrases. Next, I will go on with giving the most importantRead MoreAn Overview of Modern Philosophies of Education3464 Words   |  14 Pagesdaily. Sources for your educational philosophy are your life experiences, your values, the environment in which you live, interactions with others and awareness of philosophical approaches. Learning about the branches of philosophy, philosophical world views, and different educational philosophies and theories will help you to determine and shape your own educational philosophy, combined with these other aspects. When you examine a philosophy different from your own, it helps you to wrestle with

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sociological Perspectives On Social And Social Theory

Introduction Daily social interactions are saturated by gender perceptions and expectations. At a very young age, children are capable of observing social behaviors. As they age, children are able to cognitively process and draw conclusions on how they should behave according to these observations (Bussey and Bandura, 1999). There are many theories that attempt to explain why gender stereotypes may hold true or at the very least impact our social interactions within Western culture. Sociological theories maintain that gender is entirely a social construct. Biological theories discuss the evolutionary benefits of sex and its importance as an adaptation. Social cognitive theory focuses on the influence of evolutionary factors in congruence with social and technological innovations creating selection pressures as to desired traits within the sexes (Bussey and Bandura, 1999). There are other social psychological theories that attempt to explain the reasons for gender differentiation including implici t personality theory. Implicit personality theory as applied to gender focuses on people expanding their perception of a person based of a central trait such as male or female (Ashmore and Del Boca, 1979). However, the commonality seen in the social psychological theory is that they focus on gender as a concept that is partially learned in addition to the influence these preconceptions have on our interpersonal relationships, specifically romantic partnerships. Socially conditionedShow MoreRelatedSimilarities and Differences in Sociological Theories of Crime890 Words   |  4 PagesSimilarities and Differences in Sociological Theories of Crime Walden University Similarities and Differences in Sociological Theories of Crime Sociological theories of crime contain a great deal of useful information in the understanding of criminal behavior. Sociological theories are very useful in the study of criminal behavior because unlike psychological and biological theories they are mostly macro level theories which attempt to explain rates of crime for a group or an area ratherRead MoreEssay on The Sociological Imagination1389 Words   |  6 PagesMy personal condensed definition of â€Å"the sociological imagination† is that it is the idea one should be aware of the societal structures around themselves, and how those structures can influence a person and vice-versa. In addition, I think that having a â€Å"sociological imagination† also involves a deep appreciation for the importance of society and culture. Consequently, for a person that has completed a basic introduction to sociology college course and actually paid attention, I would hope thatRead MoreSociology 210 Study Guide1129 Words   |à ‚  5 PagesChapter One: The Sociological Perspective I. The Sociological Perspective. A. Sociology is the systematic study of human society. B. The sociological perspective (Berger, 1963) helps us to see general social patterns in the behavior of particular individuals (the general in the particular). C. It also encourages us to realize that society guides our thoughts and deeds — to see the strange in the familiar (Berger, 1963). D. Sociology also encourages us to see personal choice in social context. Read MoreSociological Perspective Essay978 Words   |  4 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to construct an essay and define the sociological perspective. To be able to explain how my knowledge of the Sociological Perspective has helped me to understand the social world on both a macro and micro level. This essay will include the definition, discussion and application of specific sociological terms, concepts and theories. The study of sociology brings people to view topics in a unique way than others. The way we see the world, human behavior, as well as itsRead MoreTheories on Crime1253 Words   |  5 PagesTheories on Crime: The field of criminology is basically described as the study of crime through which the causes, prevention, and correction of offenses are examined. While this process can be extremely difficult, especially for students, the analysis of the causes of crime is significant to sociology and criminology. The difficulties associated with the study of crime originate from the numerous challenges in developing theories that explain human behavior. In relation to crime, human behaviorRead MoreTheoretical Frameworks Of Sociology And Sociological Perspective Essay918 Words   |  4 Pageshow they study it. In this essay, I will be discussing theoretical frameworks of sociology; what is sociological perspective, how sociology differs from other disciplines such as history, anthropology or psychology, and how are sociological paradigms are used as ‘tools of the sociologist’ in their analyses of human societies. Firstly, what is sociological perspective? The sociological perspective is the point of view on human behaviour and how society influences people, and vice versa. TypicallyRead MoreIs There A Sociology Of Love?1046 Words   |  5 Pagesrelationships Sociological perspectives are theories that we use in the sociological world to view our social environment. These are principles set in sociology to answer, illustrate, describe or relate to a certain phenomenon, to give us a perception on a subject. The sociology theories are to enable us to analyse, predict or explain our social sphere. There are macro and micro level analysis of how perspectives work. I am going to evaluate contrasting sociological perspectives to assess particularRead MoreThe Sociological Perspective On Medical Conditions1687 Words   |  7 Pagesbiomedical perspective is used to explain various medical conditions. This can include, but is not limited to using an individual’s body and pathogens to explain poor health. On a different note, the sociological perspective takes on a different approach to explain medical conditions. The sociological perspective focuses on the external influences, rather than then internal influences, such as the social environ ment, institutions, and relationships to assess and explain illness. The sociological perspectiveRead MoreScociological1136 Words   |  5 PagesMajor Sociological Paradigms There are three sociological perspectives that shape the structure of society as a whole. Functionalist perspective, symbolic interactionism and conflict theory. Sociologists develop these theories to explain social phenomena. In this essay I will explain the origins and evolution of the three main sociological perspectives and listing the sociologists that made major contributions to these disciplines. â€Å"The functionalist perspective is a sociological approachRead MoreSoc/100 - Applying Sociological Perspectives1063 Words   |  5 Pages Applying Sociological Perspectives Stephanie Ann Tombline SOC/100 May 30, 2016 Jennifer Hudgins Applying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, How do these social websites impact society? Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared by

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Rights And Its Impact On Society Essay - 2311 Words

Human rights had an and still is a huge impact to everybody live and to society as a whole without everybody realizing it.Imagine what would happen if we did not had human rights at all, I can see it, imagine a world where racism prevented interracial couple from being together just because of the color of their skins.How religion and personal belife can prevented people from working together and expercing something new as a whole.When how someone gender will pervent them from helping or doing something.In which it is perventing society from growing as a whole.In my honest opinon without human rights we showing that we do not see each as a living being as wells as showing that we are worst then cavemen back then. Human rights is specify as the right that belong to all human being whatever race,gender,religious beliefs,ethnic origins and other status.This idea was used to protect people from the law and from other.But the idea was officially created as the universal idea of human ri ght was created in December 10, 1948 by United Nation after world war 2 in Paris,France.The universal idea of human right is an international agreement on how humans should be treated. In which contains 30 articles that was the mandatory rule to follow for each member of each nation. The main reason why the universal idea of human right was created is because during world war 2 in the Holocaust the German was doing inhuman experiment and many other things to the Jewish people in theShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem Of Voting Rights1668 Words   |  7 PagesThe social problem: What is the social problem you will examine? The research will examine voting rights in relation to voting right inequalities and the society’s effort to have an all minority groups included in the civic process. The research will look into several historical factors that contributed to voting rights inequalities and how the society has evolved to solve issues related to the right to vote. History of problem and policy: when did the problem first emerge historically? What historicalRead MoreJohn Locke versus Thomas Hobbes Essay1297 Words   |  6 Pagesinevitable byproduct of society. As societies evolve they change according to the life style of the people who inhabit them. Without change, society would never progress and thus would be frozen in a single moment in time. Thomas Hobbes and John Lock were two English philosophers who observed tremendous changes in English politics between the years of 1640 and 1690. In closely examining the views of both of these philosophers in subject areas such as the nature of man in society, the relationship betweenRead MoreAnimal Rights Essay989 Words   |  4 Pages The rights of animals and their role in society is a topic that is constantly considered, but is never known how the problem can be solved. The dictionary definition attempts to explain it with â€Å"the rights of animals, claimed on ethical grounds, to the same hum ane treatment† (â€Å"Animal Rights†). For animals to have humane treatment, is an endeavor to give them the same rights as humans. People want animals to have rights to make sure that they aren’t abused and mistreated, but having the same amountRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Grave Crime And A Serious Violation Of Human Rights1555 Words   |  7 PagesHumana Trafficking Introduction Human trafficking refers to the practice of recruiting, transferring, transporting, receiving, or harboring people through the use of force, threat, or other forms of abduction, coercion, deception, fraud, as well as abuse of power or vulnerability position (Segrave 2). Human trafficking is a grave crime and a serious violation of human rights as it involves a broad range of human exploitations, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, slavery practices, as wellRead MoreVoices Beyond Exploitation : Gender Norms And Racial Bias1657 Words   |  7 Pageswell as female poets who advocated for equal rights began to write down their personal stories of how slavery and social restrictions have impacted their lives. At first they would write in small paragraphs and poems, but later they would create collections of slave and feminist literature, that once published reached a range of people across the world. They would often write literature that would express their personal thoughts w hile exploring the impacts of oppression, restriction of freedom and religiousRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Society1291 Words   |  6 PagesSociety has always been impacted by technology. Each invention has affected how people relate to one another and how cultures have expanded or ended. Technology impacts how cities grow, where people live, and who owns what. Technologies are the reason a few people are very rich, that people are more social, and that teaching, and learning is changing. We are at a crucial time in history where educators can make a difference in how our students interact with one another and make a place for themselvesRead MoreSocial Responsibility and Hp Essay1291 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Running Head: Is it possible for a business to make environmentally-responsible decisions that will provide positive spin-offs to society, but still maintain (or increase) its profits? Bilal Mohamed Moujood 7717930 GMGT 1010 Short Paper 1 Sustainable development has become a recurrent term in the modern day business community. In order to achieve a socially conscious economy, businesses have to strike a key balance between the needs of the present and the viable use of naturalRead MoreWhat Is More Harm Than Good?1721 Words   |  7 PagesMore harm than good? The impact of the United Kingdom’s laws and policies on sex workers’ and trafficked individuals’ human rights or Would U.K laws and policies on sex workers and trafficked individuals be more effective if society understood and accepted the problem? Research background and questions According to the United Kingdom Home Office, the anti†slavery legislation currently being upheld in the United Kingdom (hereinafter UK), uses the term modern slavery as a catch-all phrase whenRead MoreThe Purpose of Human Resource Management Policies in Organisations1323 Words   |  6 PagesThe human resource management plan outlined above covers key areas that require attention in the growth of Merton Campaign Society. Using SMART analysis, the objectives of the HRM plan have been set in a way that they are realistic and sustainable. However, the plan could have been supported by key indications about the available funds for human resource activities and the mechanisms used in the prioritization of human resource projects. In addition, an outline of how the timelines would be achievedRead MoreEffects Of The Rule Of Law771 Words   |  4 Pagesexplaining the effects on The Rule of Law in the UK if they are to withdraw from the EU Convention on human rights and repeals the h uman rights act 1998 and replaces both with the UK Bill of rights. I am going to give a brief overlook on what the impact on the rule of law in the UK will be. I am also going into depth as to whether or not sovereignty effective in the UK is effective and whether society should still be entitles to the vote. After an understanding of the Rule of law and sovereignty has

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organization Structures and Design Organization Culture and Change

Question: Describe about the Organization Structures and Design Organization Culture and Change? Answer: Organizational change Only one thing is constant in the world that is change. With time, everything is going to change, so organization is no exception. According to the time and situation, every organization changes by its operation, culture, and structure. The change happens due to some forces, which may or may not be suitable for the employees every time. External Forces The force that originates from outside of the organization is external force. These forces are not in control of the organization. The changes are Demographic Characteristics The workforce of the company depends on the demography of the place where they are operating. Companies need to manage diversity within the population of a particular place if they want the maximum contribution from employees. Technological Force Every industry is using technology for better productivity and competitiveness in the market. To remain competitive in the market, every organization change to update their technology. Market Force The global economy is one of the biggest factors to bring changes in the organizations. Companies are going I partnership with suppliers to deliver higher quality to their customer. Social Political Force Every organization has the influence of the local government. Any change in the government and within the society there is also need for change in the organizational process (Denning, 2015). Internal Force These forces originate within the organization. Human Resource Problem If there is any dissatisfaction within the employees, then there is a need of change in the organization to manage the issue. The issue should be solved, and change should be adopted. Managerial Decisions If there is interpersonal conflict within the managers and the employees, then there is a need of change in the organization (Palley, 2015). Reason Employees Resist Change Employees resist change in the organization because Fear of failure Fear of the unknown Peer pressure Climate mistrust Non-reinforcing reward system Destruction of cultural tradition and group relationship Personality conflict (Linnenluecke, Griffiths Mumby, 2015) Reference List Linnenluecke, M., Griffiths, A., Mumby, P. (2015). Executives engagement with climate science and perceived need for business adaptation to climate change.Climatic Change,131(2), 321-333. Denning, S. (2015). Does management innovation need a new change model?.Strategy Leadership,43(2), 33-40. Palley, T. (2015). Symposium introduction: Global Crisis and the Need for Paradigm Change.ROKE,3(1), 1-1.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Biology Digest Essays - Medicine, Tick-borne Diseases,

Biology Digest Mysterious Fevers Admitted to a hospital for a 103.5 fever, Doctors weren't quite sure what Bob Ervins illness was. A routine diagnosis only reveled discomfort after eating and low levels of all three types of cells. Also his liver enzymes showed signs of anema. With this information, Doctors came up with the diagnosis of cholecystitis, otherwise known as inflamed gall bladder. However Surgeon Audrey Nevins felt that low levels of all three cells wasn't usually associated with the gall bladder. But, after questioning Ervins, Nevins learned ticks, while traveling through Colorado and Indiana, had bitten him. After some testing for diseases carried by ticks (RMSF, Babesiosis, Tubremia, Lyme Disease) Ervins blood was confirmed to have the presence of Ehrlichia Chaffeensis, which is from a lonestar tick infected with that bacterium. Bibliography Biology Digest Volume 26 Issue 4 December 1999 99/00 ? 1098 Science Essays

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Essays

The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Essays The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Paper The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Paper custom and precedent). In the middle of the 17th century, the English Royalist squire Sir Robert Filmer likewise held that the state was a family and that the king was a father, but he claimed, in an interpretation of Scripture, that Adam was the first king and that Charles I (reigned 1625–49) ruled England as Adams eldest heir. The antiabsolutist philosopher John Locke (1632–1704) wrote his First Treatise of Civil Government (1689) in order to refute such arguments. The doctrine of divine right can be dangerous for both church and state. For the state it suggests that secular authority is conferred, and can therefore be removed, by the church, and for the church it implies that kings have a direct relationship to God and may therefore dictate to ecclesiastical rulers. The most commonly studied form of absolutism is absolute monarchy, which originated in early modern Europe and was based on the strong individual leaders of the new nation-states that were created at the breakup of the medieval order. The power of these states was closely associated with the power of their rulers; to strengthen both, it was necessary to curtail the restraints on centralized government that had been exercised by the church, feudal lords, and medieval customary law. By claiming the absolute authority of the state against such former restraints, the monarch as head of state claimed his own absolute authority. By the 16th century monarchical absolutism prevailed in much of western Europe, and it was widespread in the 17th and 18th centuries. Besides France, whose absolutism was epitomized by Louis XIV, absolutism existed in a variety of other European countries, including Spain, Prussia, and Austria. The most common defense of monarchical absolutism, known as â€Å"the divine right of kings† theory, asserted that kings derived their authority from God. This view could justify even tyrannical rule as divinely ordained punishment, administered by rulers, for human sinfulness. In its origins, the divine-right theory may be traced to the medieval conception of Gods award of temporal power to the political ruler, while spiritual power was given to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. However, the new national monarchs asserted their authority in all matters and tended to become heads of church as well as of state, as did King Henry VIII when he became head of the newly created Church of England in the 16th century. Their power was absolute in a way that was impossible to achieve for medieval monarchs, who were confronted by a church that was essentially a rival centre of authority. The English humanists English humanism flourished in two stages: the first a basically academic movement that had its roots in the 15th century and culminated in the work of Sir Thomas More, Sir Thomas Elyot, and Roger Ascham, the second a poetic revolution led by Sir Philip Sidney and William Shakespeare. Though continental humanists had held court positions since the days of Humphrey of Gloucester, English humanism as a distinct phenomenon did not emerge until late in the 15th century. At Oxford William Grocyn (c. 446–1519) and his student Thomas Linacre (c. 1460–1524) gave impetus to a tradition of classical studies that would permanently influence English culture. Grocyn and Linacre attended Politians lectures at the Platonic Academy of Florence. Returning to Oxford, they became central figures in a group that included such younger scholars as John Colet (1466/67–1519) and William Lily (1468? –1522). The humanistic contributions of the Oxford group wer e philological and institutional rather than philosophical or literary. Grocyn ectured on Greek and theology; Linacre produced several works on Latin grammar and translated Galen into Latin. To Linacre is owed the foundation of the Royal College of Physicians; to Colet, the foundation of St. Pauls School, London. Colet collaborated with Lily (the first headmaster of St. Pauls) and Erasmus in writing the schools constitution, and together the three scholars produced a Latin grammar (known alternately as â€Å"Lilys Grammar† and the â€Å"Eton Grammar†) that would be central to English education for decades to come. In Sir Thomas More (1478–1535), Sir Thomas Elyot (c. 490–1546), and Roger Ascham (1515–68), English humanism bore fruit in major literary achievement. Educated at Oxford (where he read Greek with Linacre), More was also influenced by Erasmus, who wrote The Praise of Folly (Latin Moriae encomium) at Mores house and named the book punningly after his English friend. Mores famous Utopia, a kind of companion piece to The Praise of Folly, is similarly satirical of traditional institutions (Book I) but offers, as an imaginary alternative, a model society based on reason and nature (Book II). Reminiscent of Erasmus and Valla, Mores Utopians eschew the rigorous cultivation of virtue and enjoy moderate pleasures, believing that â€Å"Nature herself prescribes a life of joy (that is, pleasure)† and seeing no contradiction between earthly enjoyment and religious piety. Significantly indebted both to classical thought and European humanism, the Utopia is also humanistic in its implied thesis that politics begins and ends with humanity: that politics is based exclusively on human nature and aimed exclusively at human happiness. Sir Thomas Elyot chose a narrower subject but developed it in more detail. His great work, The Book Named The Governor, is a lengthy treatise on the virtues to be cultivated by statesmen. Born of the same tradition that produced The Prince and The Courtier, The Governor is typical of English humanism in its emphasis on the accommodation of both classical and Christian virtues within a single moral view. Elyots other contributions to English humanism include philosophical dialogues, moral essays, translations of ancient and contemporary writers (including Isocrates and Pico), an important Latin-English dictionary, and a highly popular health manual. He served his country as ambassador to the court of Charles V. Finally, the humanistic educational program set up at the turn of the century was vigorously supported by Sir John Cheke (1514–57) and codified by his student Roger Ascham. Aschams famous pedagogical manual, The Schoolmaster, offers not only a complete program of humanistic education but also an evocation of the ideals toward which that education was directed. Ascham had been tutor to the young princess Elizabeth, whose personal education was a model of humanistic pedagogy and whose writings and patronage bespoke great love of learning. Elizabeth Is reign (1558–1603) saw the last concerted expression of humanistic ideas. Elizabethan humanism, which added a unique element to the history of the movement, was the product not of pedagogues and philologists but of poets and playwrights. wsu. edu/~dee/GLOSSARY/DIVRIGHT. HTM http://history. wisc. edu/sommerville/351/351-172. htm historyguide. org/intellect/humanism. html wsu. edu/~dee/REN/HUMANISM. HTM

Friday, February 21, 2020

Counseling Psychology - Proxemics and Haptics and the Impact of Essay

Counseling Psychology - Proxemics and Haptics and the Impact of Culture and Ethnicity - Essay Example Smiling, and, rocking and nodding heads are the two common aspects of interpersonal communication prevalent in this culture. Both these gestures help to create a friendly, warm atmosphere, formal enough to be suitable for any common interpersonal communication situation. Also, there are certain proxemic and haptic rules embedded in the unconscious mind of an Indian, which differ, based on gender as well as age. Respecting the elderly is a part of Indian culture. Keeping a ‘decent’ physical distance from women is also part of this culture. Hargie (p.344) has observed that â€Å"Indian culture places a very high value on acceptance, self-suppression and concern for the feelings of others.† In India, touch between a man and a woman who are not married is most often highly improper. Same sex touching is common among Muslims whereas this is not so common among Hindus (Krueger, 2008, p.6). But in this culture, even a mother will not usually embrace her adult son. And pu blic display of affection (PDA) is very minimal.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Slavery Legacy anf Its Influence on Economic Development of U.S. South Assignment

Slavery Legacy anf Its Influence on Economic Development of U.S. South - Assignment Example With the elimination of slavery during the civil war, African- Americans slaves during the earlier periods had fundamentally no introduction to proper education. Evidently, the elevated extent of proceeds disparity, results from the influence of slavery on the existing finances. It is crucial to denote the impacts of slavery on the economy of the U.S. South. This is because the south experiences constant poverty. It has an elevated poverty rate than the American standard. It is important to assert that slavery contributed to the economic development of US; however, it posed numerous challenges in the realms of industrialization, education, and income equality. Slavery affected the early and present development of the south in subtle ways a well. With most of their wealth tied up in slaves, slave owners naturally strove to maximize the value of this asset. Given the mobility of forced labor, owners could afford to be footloose, regularly moving their slaves from place to place to acce ss the higher productive land. In contrast to their land-owning counter parts in the north, slaveholders had little incentives to spend in regional infrastructure, schools, or roads to encourage the growth of towns. All activities were associated with augmenting land cost but had no obvious impact on slave values. Thus, the south stayed more rural and institutionally underdeveloped compared to the north. For similar explanations, southerners did not expand their financial activities like investing in manufacturing. In 1840s, the south’s per capita investment in manufacturing was less than one-third of the north’s, a trend attributable to the south’s lack of urbanization, lack of infrastructure, unequal distribution of incomes, smaller home markets, and poor access to resources (Scott 313). In areas that relied heavily on slave labor, the economy focused narrowly on Agricultural activities and, Industrialization delayed. Industrialization was the south’s s econd importance (Scott 313). There was a hold back in manufacturing and commerce in the old South for three reasons. First, the slaves ware not capable of mastering the precise, delicate operations that manufacturing supposedly involved. Second, masters did not have the idea to gather adequate resources or the need to invest in industrialization (Smith 73). Thirdly, the absence of big town in the South was a necessary consequence of the insurrectionary risks such as concentrations of slaves would pose to southern society (Smith 73). Slavery was root to inequality. This has to date affected the education in the South. There is still bottomless and broad literature on the educational divide in the south. The proper learning was in accessible in the past to the slaves. Their first offspring were only able to complete fewer years of education on standard than the whites were. Furthermore, they had access to racial isolated communal schools, where they received a quality lower learning compared to that acquired by southern whites. Low learning and excellence led to the continuation of huge earnings difference. This has affected the economy of the south even today. The existing differences at the south are linked with disparity in earnings. Former slave countries are currently more imbalanced. They show a higher scarcity pace and a higher amount of racial discrimination. Moreover, racial inequality, which

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Future of Oil Article Analysis

The Future of Oil Article Analysis Analyzing the Logic of an Article Student Name: Jennifer R. Thomas Article Number and Name: Article 26 Its Still the One by Daniel Yergin Work Cite: Jackson, Robert M. Global issues 13/14 (1st ed.). Date: 2-23-2017 BACKGROUND What qualifications does the author have for writing an article on this subject? (This may also apply to quotes within the article.) Daniel Yergin received a Pulitzer Prize for The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power, published in an updated edition this year. He is chairman of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates. (p.113, Jackson) Yergin is the founder of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, (CERA), a member of the National Petroleum Council and a Global Energy Expert. Hes a graduate of Yale University with a BA and Cambridge University with a PH. D and has two honorary degrees, one from The University of Houston and the other from the University of Missouri. Chair of a task force for the U.S. Department of Energy, (p. 111, Jackson) When and where was the article first published? Does this affect its credibility? The article was published by the Foreign Policy in September/October 2009, pages 90, 92-95. Foreign Policy is a very reputable resource and Daniel Yergin has a very extensive background and knowledge about the Oil industry, however, the article is not a recent as most valuables resources are or that I would like to base my conclusions off of. I would have to say that the information provided by Daniel Yergin is credible but would like to see updated information to verify/confirm this article. ARTICLE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION Describe the main purpose, what conclusions the author drew, and what assumptions the author made in this article. The purpose of the article is to give a perspective of the future of Oil globally and the impact Oil will make on regions globally. Volatility impacts many people, not just those in the oil market and worldwide. The article explains how the oil industry has changed over the years due to such things as technology, climate change, how it is used and how much is used. What is the authors point of view for this article? (What other points of view are there? Cushing Oklahomas oil allows them to play a role in the price of oil. Oil trading is a financial asset but unstable. Oil prices over the years have fluctuated from a high dollar to a very low dollar per barrel rate, with prices varying from $147.27, $59.87, $32.40 and as low as $10.00/barrel. Big oil industries have grown and control over eighty percent of the oil industry, while the smaller ones have disappeared. Oil get sold and traded to be turned into gasoline jet fuel, diesel, home heating oil and more. The demand for oil has changed, how we use it, how much we use and technology can change the energy portfolio as well. The oil industry has changed in that if offers pension funds, endowments, and hedge funder and includes money managers to assist with the finances attached to the oil industry. Oil use will increase as energy demands increase in the up and coming years. The increase in oil demand has impacted the pricing of oil. The increasing demand has also caused tension betwe en countries such as China and the U.S. and Britain and Germany due to scarcity. China has secured future oil by giving loans to those countries that are oil producers. The conflict between China and the U.S. is not just about oil but includes coal to where they both are the largest consumers of coal and the largest resources of coal as well. Climate change also impacts the future of oil which gives an additional reason to drive down the demands for oil. Technology needs to be used to find an alternative for oil use. Ideas of alternatives are electric cars, advanced biofuels, solar systems, new building designs, massive investment in wind, integrating electric cars with the electricity industry, and a revolution in the internal combustion engine. (p. 112, Jackson) The Government has taken an increasing interest, giving incentives and subsidies that will drive technical change. Decrease demands and becoming more energy efficient has been a focus of the United States and has been doin g well. Resources do however show that there is enough oil to keep up with the demands for years to come but restricted access, tax systems, civil conflict, geopolitics, rising costs for exploration and production and uncertainties about demand could interfere with oils reaching consumers. The final conclusion is that the oil market is not constant and that many things change the supply and demand of oil and the price of oil, the oil industry is unstable. List new terms introduced and define them. You may also include any important information that was presented in this paper. Volatility- Liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. Somnolent- sleepy, drowsy, tired, lethargic, sluggish. WTL-West Texas Intermediate (p. 110, Jackson) Hedgers- A person who builds or repairs hedges (any barrier or boundary, a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially when forming a fence or boundary Speculators- the financial players. (p. 110, Jackson) Supermajors- a term applied to the six largest Oil companies in the world. Paper Barrels- an oil cargo that is sold and traded on the open market, but not actually shipped. Muskier-as an odor Wherewithal- that with which to do something; means or supplies for the purpose or need, especially money. Were any propaganda techniques used in an attempt to influence readers? Explain. (See explanations at the end of this document.) I found this article to have very little if any propaganda. The article was based on statistics and was pretty matter of fact. One attention grabber for me were the highlighted statistics throughout the article, such as the bold and underlining of the cost of oil per barrel on page 111 and the on page 112 on the number of barrels the world demand rose. These would be a form of bandwagon propaganda. Page 110 also described the Oklahoma sun as hot, sweet crude oil, could be described as a form of propaganda. Other propaganda was the use of big name oil companies that people are familiar such as Exxon Mobile and Chevron and other not so big but still familiar like Amoco and ARCO. CRITICAL THINKING ARTICLE-SPECIFIC QUESTIONS * Refer to the weekly folder for the questions you are required to answer. The questions are located in the Critical Thinking section at the end of each article. Question # Answer 1 The age of oil is changing because the government is giving subsidies and incentives that will drive technology change and help decrease the demands for oil. Climate change also impacts the change in the new era. In addition to climate change and technology, there are now more players in the oil industry like financial managers, investors, hedgers funds and more. 2 The demand for oil is changing in that the demands are decreasing, take the example of the United States who are twice as energy efficient as they were in the 70s, electric cars are gaining more attention, advancement if biofuel, solar systems that are now being given attention as well as the wind. The government is giving more attention to energy efficient ways to improve the economy and reduce the demand for oil. 3 The U.S. and China relationship is one that not only deals with competing over oil but they also compete over coal as well. They are the largest resource of both. They have the same interest new technology solutions for the emissions released when coal is burned. 4 Article 3 is complemented by Yergins article, article 26 because both are making the point that the challenge of reducing consumption of fuel/oil is a difficult challenge and will involve many competitors, better technology and the involvement of the government. ADDITIONAL NOTES OR OBSERVATIONS This article was interesting because I did not realize how much the United States and China were in competition over oil and coal. I am old enough to remember some of the fluctuation in the changing of gas prices. I also find the information of this article very useful because of recent debate that a group of co-workers and I were having over climate change, energy efficient cars and biofuels. A team member was looking at purchasing an energy efficient car, which we found the team was divided as to for or against the talk of climate change and its existence. PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUES Bad (or Sad) Names The use of words, phrases, or expressions with negative connotations. Examples: slob, prude, moron, embarrassing Glad Names The use of words or phrases with positive, pleasant connotations. Examples: warm, lovely, delicious, lemony fragrance Testimonials The recommendation or endorsement by prominent and/or influential people. Example: Professional baseball star Derek Jeters advertisements for a credit card Transfer The use of names, phrases, or symbols to influence acceptance. Example: Using a movie stars photograph on the cover of a magazine to get people to buy it Just Plain Folks The use of dress, behavior, or other devices in an attempt to identify a product or person with ordinary people. Example: Photographs of the President of the United States eating spaghetti or chopping wood Card Stacking The presentation of only that information or those arguments most favorable to a particular point of view. Example: Making a list of all the advantages of buying a new car without making a similar list of all of the disadvantages Bandwagon The use of the fear of being different to influence behavior. Example: Twenty million people jog for their health. Shouldnt you? A 10-STEP PROCESS FOR ANALYZING AN ARGUMENT by Brian W. Carver After you have read the passage carefully, distinguishing between purported facts and opinions, answer the following questions thoroughly. What is the authors conclusion? What premises does the author provide to support this conclusion? What assumptions (unstated premises) are required for the authors argument to be valid? Do the premises seem uncontroversially true? If not, explain. Do the assumptions seem uncontroversially true? If not, explain. Are all terms in the argument adequately defined? If not, explain. Are there other facts, not discussed, that would be helpful to know in evaluating the argument? If so, explain. Does the author appeal to emotion or use words designed to influence our response? (e.g., discounts, hedges, assurances, repetition, etc.) If so, explain. Is your well-crafted version of the argument valid? That is, suppose the premises and assumptions are true, regardless of their actual truth or falsity. Ask yourself, given their truth, does the conclusion have to follow? (If so the argument is valid, if not, it is invalid.) If a clear valid/invalid answer is difficult, explain why. In your opinion, is your well-crafted version of the argument sound? That is, does it both have a valid form and have all true premises and assumptions? (If so, it is sound, if not, it is unsound.) Explain your answer. Retrieved from

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Biometrics Essay -- Science Scientific Essays

Biometrics The term biometrics is commonly known as the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological sciences. Though, even more recently it has taken on a whole new definition. Biometrics is an amazing new topic referring to â€Å"the emerging field of technology devoted to the identification of individuals using biological traits, based on retinal or iris scanning, fingerprints, or face recognition†. Biometrics has already begun using applications that range from attendance tracking with a time clock to security checkpoints with a large volume of people. The growing field of biometrics has really been put on the map by two things, the technological advances made within the last 20 years, and the growing risk of security and terrorism among people all over the world. In this paper I will focus on: the growing field of biometrics, why it is important to our future, how the United States government has played a rol e in its development and use, the risks involved, the implications on public privacy, and further recommendations received from all over the science and technology field. Biometrics has really been a captivating part of watching new age movies and futuristic stars bring in the 21st century. Yet, most regular people don’t even know what is behind these alluring â€Å"tricks†, and what really classifies as a part of the Biometrics field. Something as simple as a pin number you use for an ATM machine would qualify as part of this realm. Other behavioral characteristics can be things such as a voice print, or a signature. Biometrics can also become so technologically advanced that they can use video surveillance to scan who goes in and out of an area... safety and liberty in the first place, you have to push the envelope. Seeing all points of view on the issue of biometrics made me see that we are better off with it than without it. Eventually the legislation will be passed, and biometrics will fall into place, and become as common as a lock on your door. Just another security measure to keep us all safe as a family, as a neighborhood, as a state, and finally, as a nation. Bibliography

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Mass Media and New York

Racism and Ethnic Bias in the Media Is a Serious Problem Mass Media  ,  2010 â€Å"Journalists who think they know communities of color end up writing stereotypical stories. † In the following viewpoint from her interview with Lena-Snomeka Gomes, Elizabeth Llorente states that unequal and inaccurate representations of minorities still persist in the media, and media professionals who are minorities continue to face prejudice in the industry. In Llorente's view, reporters of color often feel unwelcome when entering white communities. In addition, she claims other journalists continue to draw upon harmful ethnic and religious stereotypes.Diversity and opportunities for minorities in newsrooms also are lacking, she contends, compounding these problems. Llorente is an award-winning senior reporter for  The Record  in Bergen, New Jersey. A former newswriter, Gomes is a program support specialist at the Homeless Children's Network in San Francisco. As you read, consider the following questions: 1. According to Llorente, why is covering one's own ethnic community not necessarily easier? 2. What barriers do reporters face when reporting on immigrants, in the author's view? 3. Why are there still very few minorities in newsrooms, in Llorente's opinion?Elizabeth Llorente, senior reporter for  The Record  in Bergen, New Jersey, was recently honored with the Career Achievement Award from the Let's Do It Better Workshop on Race and Ethnicity at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Llorente was honored for her more than 10 years of reporting on the nation's changing demographics. Her series, â€Å"Diverse and Divided,† documented the racial tensions and political struggles between Hispanic immigrants and African Americans in Patterson, N. J. Llorente spoke with  NewsWatch  about the nuances of reporting on race and ethnicity.Lena-Snomeka Gomes: What are some of the major barriers journalists face, especially journalists of colo r when writing about race and ethnicity? Elizabeth Llorente: Well it depends on what they look like. For example, I know that some of the African American reporters that I have worked with have spoken about feelings of being unwelcome, especially when they're covering white areas. And there are also other reporters who feel different because they stand out from the time they walk into a room. People make assumptions about them. I have been told that it's hard to tell what my race is.Is this positive or negative? Maybe it helps when I'm doing a story about tension and whites are part of the tension. Sometimes, I suspect, they open up more because they don't know that I am Hispanic. Perhaps, they would not have been as candid had they known. However, it's not necessarily easier to cover stories in your own ethnic community or communities similar to yours. If you criticize people and they didn't like it, they are usually less forgiving. They take it personal and see you as a traitor, e specially when the stories involve a politically charged group.Do you think journalists of color are resistant to writing about race and ethnicity because they don't want to be typecast so to speak? There are people who believe that and I don't blame them. Sometimes that's all the papers will let them do, and the papers don't value their work. In that regard, it's a thankless job. When you come back with a great story, they don't see the skill and the talent it took to report and write that story. They think, of course, you wrote well because you're one of them. They automatically assume it was easy for you to get the story.They may even question your objectivity. But, when [Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist] Rick Bragg went to the South to write about the life he knew, no one said, of course its easy for him because he's from the South. No, they said, wow he's a great writer. Do you think stories about race and ethnicity still face being calendared for special events or has there b een more sustained coverage and focus? It's gotten much better. Stories used to be covered for Black History Month or Cinco de Mayo, but now beats have been created around race and ethnicity.Beat reporters have to write all year. Reporters are interested in writing about race and ethnicity. They want to cover these issues. Now the next level journalism needs to go to is to spread the responsibility of covering race and ethnicity among all reporters, in all sections of the paper, business section, education, transportation, and municipal. Coverage has to be more comprehensive. It cannot be reserved for certain reporters, because race and ethnicity is such a huge area. Immigration Stories How do stories about immigration differ from other stories about race and ethnicity?If you're writing about second or third generation Cubans, you're writing about Americans, a minority group that has some stake here. With immigrants, you're writing about people who are newer, who don't necessarily f eel American. They are still transitioning into this national culture. They are rebuilding their identities. For example, they may not have a sense of (their) civil rights here or of American racism. What skills do journalists have to master in order to report fairly and accurately on immigrant communities? First of all, you need to have a completely open mind.This is especially important when you're covering immigrant communities. So many of us think that we know the immigrant groups, but many of us only know the stereotypes. Too often we set out to write stories that end up marginalizing people in harmful ways because the stories tend to exacerbate those stereotypes. Or we ignore the stories that do not conform to the stereotypes. For example, if we're going to write about Hispanic communities, instead of looking for Hispanics in the suburbs, we tend to go where we can most readily find them, in Miami, Spanish Harlem, and in the Barrio.We keep telling the same stories and giving i t the same frame, because it's an easy thing to do when you're on a deadline. The result is an ok story. But immigration stories are diverse. They are not only in enclaves, but also in places we never thought about finding them in, such as in once exclusively white suburbs and rural America. Perhaps Hispanics in the barrio is a valuable story, but that is no longer the Hispanic story. It is a Hispanic story. Okay, once you find (immigrant communities) how do you communicate with them? It's tough.Not knowing the language can be difficult. But the key is to start out with the attitude of not settling for less. Start out speaking with the leaders, but only as a vehicle to reach the other people who are not always in the papers. Too many of us stop with the leaders and that is not enough. Ask them to introduce you or ask them if you can use their name to open up a few doors for you to speak with others in the community. However, covering immigrant communities doesn't mean encountering a language barrier. Many people have a basic knowledge of English.You can still conduct an interview with someone who only speaks survival English. But, you will also run into a lot of people who don't speak English. If you make the effort, if you're patient, if you speak slower and are conscious of the words you use, if you make sure they understand what you are asking them, if you tune in, you'll make the connection. Finally, if language is a barrier and you're not comfortable, find someone who is bilingual to help you interpret. How can journalists write balanced stories if they operate from the stereotypes?Ask the person you're interviewing to break down those stereotypes. You can tell the person that there is a particular stereotype and ask them if it is true or not. Journalists have the unique role and power to help break the stereotypes down. What does receiving the Career Achievement Award mean to you? I was hoping that it would mean that I could retire and go sailing and wri te my novels from a log cabin. After I checked my retirement savings, I realized, that ain't gonna happen for a long time. Its nice to get awards, but when you get one it's usually for a certain story or project.This is like a wonderful embrace that says, you know, you hit the ball out of the park again and again. You set a standard in this business. At a career level, you have done great work. It's just a nice sweeping kiss and hug to me. The Culture of Journalism Tell me some of the successes Let's Do It Better has had and some of the ways in which it has impacted the culture of journalism. I think one wonderful thing they did, under Sig Gissler (original founder), was that they targeted the gatekeepers. His model approach was to go directly to the top management.Gissler wanted to show them good reporting that reached a higher level and how stories about race were more nuanced. He wanted them to read the stories and then to talk to the folks who wrote them so they could learn how to do these types of stories. Did the top respond? Yes! I saw conversions. People who started out cynically were changed by the last day. They were beginning to look at race and ethnicity stories critically. They were going to raise their standard. They left the workshops believing that their news organizations needed more diverse voices.Why, are there still so few people of color in newsrooms today? Too many employers are prejudiced. Too many minorities are still being hired under a cloud of doubt. I don't think many minorities are hired with the notion that they will be star reporters. They are not nurtured. Then when minority journalists leave it's seen as a betrayal, but when whites leave, it's considered a good career move. I have worked with many white reporters who have had many opportunities in training and promotions, and nobody says they're ungrateful s. o. b. ‘s when they leave.Can we keep doing it better? Of course. There are still so many stories we are not gettin g that are out there. Journalists who think they know communities of color end up writing stereotypical stories and they use photos to make people look exotic. In fact, we need to pay more attention to photojournalism. A story can be fair and balanced, but if that picture projects the exotic stereotype, the story loses its value. Don't bypass a photo of a person because they don't look ‘ethnic enough. ‘ Take a picture of the blonde Mexican or the Muslim women wearing Levi jeans.Further Readings Books * Bonnie M. Anderson  News Flash: Journalism, Infotainment, and the Bottom-Line Business of Broadcast News. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004. * Ben Bagdikian  The New Media Monopoly. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004. * Michael A. Banks  Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 of the World's Top Bloggers. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, 2008. * Pablo J. Boczkowski  Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. * L. Brent Bozell  Weapons of Mass Distortion: The Coming Meltdown of the Liberal Media. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2005. Asa Briggs and Peter Burke  A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Polity, 2005. * Thomas de Zengotita  Mediated: How the Media Shapes Our World and the Way We Live in It. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005. * David Edwards and David Cromwell  Guardians of Power: The Myth of the Liberal Media. London: Pluto Press, 2006. * Robert Erikson and Kent Tedin  American Public Opinion: Its Origins, Content, and Impact. Updated 7th ed. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2007. * Dan Gilmore  We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People.Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2006. * Tom Goldstein  Journalism and Truth: Strange Bedfellows. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2007. * Doris A. Graber  Media Power in Politics. 5th ed. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2007. * Neil Henry  American Carnival: Journalism under Siege in an Age of N ew Media. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2007. * Henry Jenkins  Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: NYU Press, 2006. * Steven Johnson  Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Popular Culture Is Making Us Smarter. New York: Riverhead Trade, 2005. Lawrence Lessig  Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. New York: Penguin, 2004. * Charles M. Madigan, ed. 30: The Collapse of the American Newspaper. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2007. * David W. Moore  The Opinion Makers: An Insider Exposes the Truth Behind the Polls. New York: Beacon Press, 2008. * Patrick R. Parsons  Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2008. * Neil Postman  Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. 20th anniversary ed.New York: Penguin Books, 2005. * Metta Spencer  Two Aspirins and a Comedy: How Television Can Enhance Health and Society. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, 2006. Periodicals * Dennis AuBuchon â€Å"Free Speech and the Fairness Doctrine,†Ã‚  American Chronicle, March 19, 2009. * Greg Beato â€Å"The Spin We Love to Hate: Do We Really Want News Without a Point of View? †Ã‚  Reason, December 2008. * Jeffrey Chester â€Å"Time for a Digital Fairness Doctrine,†Ã‚  AlterNet, October 19, 2004. * Edward W. Gillespie â€Å"Media Realism: How the GOP Should Handle Increasingly Biased Journalists,†Ã‚  National Review, April 6, 2009. Nicole Hemmer â€Å"Liberals, Too, Should Reject the Fairness Doctrine,†Ã‚  Christian Science Monitor, November 25, 2008. * R. Court Kirkwood â€Å"What Did or Didn't Happen at Duke,†Ã‚  New American, September 18, 2006. * Richard Perez-Pena â€Å"Online Watchdog Sniffs for Media Bias,†Ã‚  New York Times, October 15, 2008. * Eugene Robinson â€Å"(White) Women We Love,†Ã‚  Washington Post, June 10, 2005. * Joseph Somsel â€Å"Me gaphone Envy and the Fairness Doctrine,†Ã‚  American Thinker, March 19, 2009. * Adam Thierer â€Å"The Media Cornucopia,†Ã‚  City Journal, Spring 2007. * Evan Thomas â€Å"The Myth of Objectivity,†Ã‚  Newsweek, March 10, 2008.